Monday, April 7, 2014

April 1, 2014 

3 Types of Parenting Styles 
  • Authorization Parents (parents)
  • Permissive Parents (kids in charge)
  • Authoritative Parents (parents&kids compromise)
Erik Erikson 
  • A neo -Freudian 
  • Worked with Anna Frued 
  • Thought our personality was influenced by our experiences with others. 
Stages of Psychosocial Development 
  • Trust Vs. Mistrust: 
  • Can a baby trust their caregivers? 
  • The trust of mistrust they develop can carry on with the child for the rest of their lives. 
Autonomy V. Shame and Doubt 
  • Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training). 
  • Control Temper Tantrums
  • Big word is "NO" 
  • Can they learn control it will they doubt themselves? 
Initiative V. Guilt 
  • Word turns from "NO" to "WHY" 
  • Want to understand the world and ask questions 
  • Is there curiosity encouraged or scolded? 
Industry V. Inferiority 
  • School begins 
  • We are the first time evaluated by a formal system and out peers. 
  • Do we feel good of bad about our accomplishments? 
  • Can lead to us feeling bad about ourselves for the rest of our lives.... Inferiority complex 
Identity V. Role Confusion 
  • In our teenage years we try out different roles
  • Who am I? 
  • What group do I fit in with? 
Intimacy V. Isolation 
  • Have to balance work & relationships 
  • What are my priorities 
Generativity V. Stagnation 
  • Is everything going as planned? 
  • Am I happy with what I created? 
  • Mid - life crisis!! 
Integrity V. Despair 
  • Look back on life.
  • Was my life meaningful or do I have regret? 
Cognitive Devolopment 
  • It was thought that kids were just stupid versions of adults 
  • Then came along Jean Piaget 
  • Kids learn differently than adults. 
  • Children view the world through schemas (as do adults for the most part). 
  • Schemas are ways we interpret the world around us.
  • It is basic what you picture in your head when you think of anything.
  • Incorporating new experiences into existing schemas. 
    • Changing an existing schema to adopt to new information.
    Stages of Cognitive Development
    Sensorimotor Stage
    • Experience the world through our senses.
    • Does not have object permanence
    • 0-2 years old
    Pre-Operational Stage 
    • 2-7 years old 
    • Have object permanence 
    • Begin to use language to represent objects and ideas. 
    • Egocentric: cannot look at the world through anyone's eyes but their own. (All about them) 
    • Conservation refers to the idea that a quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance and is part of logical thinking. (Baby bottle to a sippy cup)
    Concrete Operational Stage 
    • Can demonstrate concept if conservation 
    • Learn to think logically 
    Formal Operational Stage 
    • What would the world look like with no light? 
    • Picture God
    • What way do you best learn? 
    • Abstract reasoning manipulate objects in our minds without seeing them. 
    • Hypothesis testing 
    • Trial and Error 
    • Metacognition 
    • Not every adult gets to this stage 

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