Monday, April 7, 2014

April 2, 2014

Types of Intelligence 

Crystallized Intelligence 
  • Accumulated knowledge 
  • Increases with age. 
Fluid Intelligence 
  • Ability to solve problems quickly and think abstractly. 
  • Peaks in the 29's and then decreases over time.
Moral Development 3 Stages by Lawrence Kohlberg

Pre - Conventional Morality 
  • Morality based on rewards & punishments. 
  • If you are rewarded then it is OK. 
  • If you are punished, the act must be wrong. 
Conventional Morality 
  • Look at morality based on how others see you. 
  • If your peers, or society, thinks it is wrong, then so do you. 
Post - Conventional Morality 
  • Based on self - defined ethical principles. 
  • Your own personal set of ethics. 
  • (Not having a set of standards) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Camille ;D I really appreciated the way you wrote these notes because they helped me clear up a few confusions about the differences between crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence.
