Monday, April 7, 2014

March 20, 2014 

The Cerebral Cortex is made up of 4 Lobes:
  • Frontal 
  • Parietal
  • Occipital
  • Temporal
Frontal Lobes 
  • Abstract thought and emotional control.
  • Contains Motor Cortex: sends signals to our body controlling muscle movements 
  • Contains Broca's Area: responsible for controlling muscles that produce speech. (Thoughts)
  • Damage to Broca's Aphasia: unable to make movements to talk 
Parietal Lobes 
  • Contain Sensory Cortex: receives incoming touch sensations from rest of the body. 
  • Most of the parietal lobes are make up if Association Areas 
Association Areas 
  • Any area not associated with receiving sensory information or coordinating muscle movements. 
Occipital Lobes
  • Deals with vision 
  • Contains Visual Cortex. Interprets messages from our eyes into images we can understand. 
Temporal Lobe 
  • Process sound sensed by our ears. 
  • Interpreted in Auditory Cortex. 
  • not lateralized
  • Contains Wernike's Area: interprets written & spoken speech. 
  • Wernike's Aphasia: unable to understand language: the syntax and grammar jumbled. 

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