Monday, April 7, 2014

March 27, 2014

Developmental Psychology 
  • The study of YOU from womb to tomb. 
  • We are going to study his we change physically, socially, cognitively, and morally over our lifetimes. 
Nature VS. Nurture 
  • While going through this unit always been in the back of your head.. 
Are you who you are because of: 
  • The  way you were born- nature 
  • The way you were raised- nurture 
Prenatal Development 
  • Once a sperm penetrates the egg- we have a fertilized egg called THE ZYGOTE 
  • The first stage of prenatal development. Lasts about two weeks and consists of rapid cell division. 
  • Less than half of all zygotes survive first two weeks. 
  • About 10 days after conception, the zygote will attach itself to the uterine wall. 
  • The outer part of the Zygote becomes the placenta (which filters nutrients) 
After two weeks, the zygote develops in an.... Embryo 
  • Lasts about 6 weeks. 
  • Heart begins to beat and the organs begin to develop. 
  • By nine weeks we have a.... 
  • The fetus by the 6th month, the stomach and other organs have formed enough to survive outside of mother. 
  • At this time the baby can hear (and recognize) sounds and respond to light. 
Healthy Newborns 
  • Turn head towards voices.
  • See 8 to 12 inches from their faces.
  • Gaze longer at human like objects right from birth. 
  • Chemical agents that can harm the prenatal environment. 
  • Alcohol 
  • Other STDs can harm the baby.. 
  • HIV 
  • Herpes 
  • General warts

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