Friday, May 23, 2014

State of Consciousness: 
Sleep, Hypnosis, Drugs 

  • Sleep is a state if consciousness. 
  • We are less aware of our surroundings.
  • Sub Conscious and u
Why do we daydream? 
  • They can help us prepare for future events. 
  • They can nourish our social development. 
  • Can substitute for impulsive behavior. 
Fantasy Prone Personalities 
  • Someone who imagines and recalls experiences with lifelike vividness and who spends considerable time fantasizes. 
Biological Rhythms 
  • Annual Cycles: seasonal variations (beard hibernation, seasonal affective disorder) 
  • 28 day cycles: menstrual cycle 
  • 24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm 
  • 90 minute cycle: sleep cycle 
Circadian Rhythm 
  • Our 24 hour biological clock. 
  • Our body temperature and awareness changes throughout the day. 
Sleep Stages 
  • There are 5 identified stages of sleep. 
  • It takes about 90-100 minutes to pass through the 5 stages.
  • The brain'a waves will change according to the sleep stage you're in. 
  • The first four stages are know as NREM sleep... 
  • The fifth stage is called REM sleep. 
Stage 1 
  • Kind of awake and kind of asleep. 
  • Only lasts a few minutes and you usually only experience it once a night. 
  • Eyes begin to roll slightly.
  • Your brain produces Theta Waves (high amplitude, low frequency, slow)
Stage 2 
  • This follows Stage 1 sleep and is is the "baseline" of sleep. 
  • This stage is part of the 90 minute cycle and occupies approximately 45-60% of sleep. 
  • More Theta Waves that get progressively slower. 
Stages 3 and 4 
  • Slow wave sleep.
  • You produce Delta waves. 
  • If awoken, you sill be very groggy. 
  • Vital for restoring body'a growth hormones and good overall health. 
  •  May last 15-30 minutes. 
  • It is called "slow wave" sleep because brain activity slows down dramatically from the "theta" rhythm of Stage 2 to a much slower rhythm called "delta" and the height or amplitude of the waves increases dramatically. 
  • Contrary to popular belief, it is delta sleep that is the "deepest" stage of sleep (notREM) and the most restorative. 
  • It is delta sleep that a sleep-deprived person's brain craves the first and foremost. 
  • In children, delta sleep can occupy to 40% of all sleep time and this is what makes children unawake-able or "dead asleep" during most of the night. 
REM Sleep 
  • Rapid Eye Movement 
  • Often called paradoxical sleep.
  • Brain is very active. 
  • Dreams usually occur in REM 
  • Body is essentially paralyzed. 
Stage Five: REM SLEEP 
  • Composes 20-25% of a normal nights sleep. 
  • Breathing, heart rate and brain wave activity quicken. 
  • Vivid Dreams can occur. 
  • From REM, you go back to Stage 2. 
*we all need different amounts of sleep depending on our age and genetics
*we all sleep about 25 years on average.

1 comment:

  1. All the information is here and well presented will easy to follow headings. I would only recommend some visual representation like pictures or videos.
