Friday, May 23, 2014

Token Economy 
  • Every time a desired behavior is performed, a token is given. 
  • They can trade tokens in for a variety of prizes (reinforcers) 
  • Used in homes, prisons, mental institutions and schools. 
Observational Learning 
  • Albert Banduts and his Bobo Doll 
  • We learn through modeling behavior from others. 
  • Observational learning + Operant Conditioning = Social Learning Theory 
Latent Learning 
  • Edward stole man 
  • Three rat experiment 
  • Latent means hidden 
  • Sometimes learning is not immediately evident. 
  • Rats needed a reason to display what they learned. 
Insight Learning 
  • Wolfgang Kohler and his Chimpanzees.
  • Some animals learn through the "ah ha" experience.

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