Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This is an example of naturalistic observation. The man is observing the lion in it's natural habitat. The lion is going about his daily routine not paying attention to the cameras. 


  1. I think the video perfectly portrays animals who are being observed in their natural environment without human interaction in order for them to act naturally. However I'm not sure if the lion's are really acting naturally because I think they are aware of the cameramen observing them.

  2. i agree with Jason natural observation is most prevalent in this video. The man is watching the lion as the lion does its regular thing where it lives. Without any human interaction. can natural observation take place with humans also? Or is it just a animal thing ?

  3. Is it possible the naturally observe a human without recreating a Truman Show like scenario where from birth and every time in between he is being recorded and watched completely unaware? We are given the scenario in class of "people watching" at the mall, but the people are in public. Most of their actions would be restrained, wouldn't it?
