Friday, May 23, 2014

  1. Next-in-Line Effect: We seldom remember what the person has just said or done if we are next.
  2. Information minutes before sleep is seldom remembered; in the hour before sleep, well remembered. 
  3. Taped info played while asleep is registered by ears, but we do not remember it. 
Spacing Effect 
  • We encode better when we practice or study over time. 
  • DO NOT CRAM!! 
Serial Positioning Effect 
  • Our tendency to recall best the best the first and last items in a list. 
  • Organizing items into familiar, manageable units.
  • Often will occur automatically. 
Types of Encoding:

  • Semantic Encoding: the meaning of words
  • Acoustic Encoding: the encoding of sound especially of words
  • Visual Encoding: encoding of picture images 
Tricks to Encode:
  • use imagery- mental pictures 
  • Mnemonic Devices use imagery
  • Ex: Mary very easily makes jam Saturday unless no plums= mars,venus, earth, mercury, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, and pluto

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